Navigating the
care of your
aging loved ones.

Navigating the Care of Aging Loved Ones

Planning for Seniors specializes in navigating the complexities of Medi-Cal benefits for California families. Recent changes have eliminated asset limits for individuals over 65, simplifying the qualification process for Medi-Cal. Nevertheless, navigating the system can still be challenging. Despite the removal of asset limits, the calculation of the Share of Cost often presents inaccuracies.

Additionally, it’s important to be informed about Medi-Cal recovery, which may affect the estate of individuals who have utilized Medi-Cal benefits from age 55 onwards, particularly for nursing home expenses. Many are unaware of these potential complications.

Let us guide you through these intricacies to ensure you maximize your benefits while minimizing potential pitfalls.

"SPEND DOWN" & ineligibility

There is so much bad advice out there about how you should manage, spend, and oversee assets. Don’t risk ineligibility.

application process

We can walk you through how to apply for Medi-Cal and get your application processed in a timely manner.

true share of costs

Are you getting an ACCURATE breakdown of  actual share of monthly costs? You could be over paying for monthly care.

medi-cal recovery

We can show you how to avoid Medi-Cal recovery, saving you possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Assisting California families is our passion.

Planning for Seniors works with you and your loved ones to ensure that you successfully obtain Medi-Cal benefits to cover long term care expenses. We help you fund the expenses associated with long term and extended care, and help give you peace of mind. Find out how we can empower you to get the care and advocacy your family deserves.
Contact Us

Call us for Help Navigating the Medi-Cal Process.

navi-aging book by Deb Short

Buy the Book

“Navigating the Care of Your Aging Loved One” is an insightful guide to modern aging. As people become older many challenges present themselves, not just to the senior, but to the people who love and care for them.

The book covers the basics of assistance programs that may be beneficial to seniors, and the basics of putting your legal house in order. The book may be of particular help to family members who have become caregivers for their aging family members
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